Etsy Sales in Decline: Is it Time to Worry?

are etsy sales down

Are you an Etsy merchant wondering why sales on the platform appear to be down? You’re not alone!

Many Etsy users have observed a drop in sales in recent months and are wondering what’s causing it.

Are etsy sales down?

Etsy sales are not down. They are actually steadily increasing. In 2021 the company saw $12.4 billion in gross merchandise sales in 2021, a 30% increase from 2020.

Etsy’s annual revenue for 2021 was a whopping 2.32 billion dollars, a staggering increase from 2020 where they saw 1.72 billion dollars in revenue.

Just have a look at this chart tracking Etsy’s revenue since 2014.

graph showing etsy sales

Now, just because Etsy’s sales are not down, doesn’t mean your sales on Etsy aren’t.

It’s entirely possible your listings have lost their spot in the etsy rankings, and you are losing sales. But there could also be other factors.

How can I improve my Etsy sales?

If you’re an Etsy seller looking to improve your sales on the platform, there are a few strategies you can try:

Optimize your product listings

Make sure your product titles and descriptions are clear and accurate, and use relevant keywords to help customers find your items. Use high-quality photos to showcase your products and consider offering multiple views or close-ups to give customers a better idea of what they’re buying.

Promote your products

Use social media, email marketing, and other channels to promote your products and drive traffic to your Etsy shop. Consider participating in Etsy’s promoted listings program to get your products in front of more shoppers.

Offer excellent customer service

Respond promptly to customer inquiries, and go above and beyond to ensure that your customers have a positive experience with your shop. Positive reviews and customer feedback can help to boost your shop’s visibility and reputation on Etsy.

As my mother always told me, you catch more flies with honey than vinegar!

Continuously review and improve your products

Consider regularly reviewing and updating your product offerings to ensure they are competitive and in line with customer demand. Consider testing new products or product variations to see what resonates with your audience.

Complacency is the enemy of progress, never stop improving.

Tools to help improve your sales

As an Etsy business owner, you should always be on the lookout for ways to expand your consumer base and increase sales.

One method is to make use of available tools and techniques that improve listing performance, stock control, and sales efficiency.


Marmalead is a tool that Etsy sellers may use to boost their sales by conducting market research on their listings and adjusting them accordingly.

There’s information on how often people use the keyword, how much other people are charging for similar products, and how much competition there is, plus recommendations for how to enhance your listings.


Sellbrite is a tool for managing and listing products on different sales channels, including Etsy, from a centralised control panel.

It’s a capable tool that helps you streamline your sales process with analytical and inventory management capabilities.


eRank is my personal favorite tool.

It is a helpful app for Etsy vendors looking to maximise their product exposure and search engine rankings. Your listing’s discoverability can be improved by using the information it provides on keyword performance, competition, and more.


Auctiva is a program that facilitates Etsy store administration and the creation of attractive product listings.

It simplifies the process of managing your listings by providing tools like relisting automation, bulk editing, and personalised templates.


The Inkfrog platform enables sellers to design and publish their products to different marketplaces, including Etsy.

It helps you streamline your sales process by providing tools like automated repricing and inventory management.

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