Here’s why You Can’t See your Listing on Etsy

blog post explaining why you cant see your listing on etsy

Is it difficult to find your listing on Etsy? You’re not alone. This problem, which many Etsy sellers (including me) have encountered, can be very annoying.

In this article, we’ll look at some typical causes of listings not showing up on Etsy and provide you fixes to get things back on track.

So whether you’re a novice seller or a star seller, stay reading to find out more about how to fix this annoying issue.

Why can’t I see my listing on etsy?

There can be more than one reason why you are unable to find your listing on Etsy, here are the main reasons and how to fix them.

Your etsy shop is not indexed

When you create a listing on Etsy, the platform’s search algorithm will index it, making it discoverable to potential buyers.

However, if your shop is not indexed, your listings will not appear in search results, making it difficult for buyers to find your products.

The main reason for this issue is that you have a new shop and Etsy simply has not gotten around to indexing you yet.

If you have been waiting awhile for Etsy to index you but still have issues finding your store or listing in Etsy searches, you can contact Etsy to potentially speed up this process.

It’s also possible that your shop has been flagged for violation of Etsy’s policies, which can result in your shop not being indexed. To resolve this issue, you should check your shop status and review Etsy’s policies to ensure that you are in compliance.

Low etsy listing score

Etsy uses a variety of factors when giving your listing a ranking score.

These factors include; titles, tags, descriptions, categories, attributes, conversions.

A low listing score on Etsy can have a significant impact on the visibility and discoverability of your products. The listing score is a metric used by Etsy to determine the relevance and quality of a listing.

A higher score means that your listing will be more likely to appear in search results, while a low score may result in your listing being buried.

There are several ways to improve your listing score and increase the visibility of your products.

Firstly, ensure that your listing titles, tags, and keywords are accurate and relevant to your products. If you’re selling a cat mug, you want to ensure you have the keyword “cat mug” in the title, description and tags.

Secondly, ensure that your product photos are high-quality and well-lit, and that your product descriptions are detailed and informative. Additionally, regularly update your inventory and ensure that your prices are competitive to help with conversions.

Poorly converting product

Image from the etsy handbook explaining the importance of listing conversions when deciding listing rank
Straight from the etsy handbook

The biggest factor in my opinion in the Etsy ranking algorithm is conversions.

Etsy is a business that earns money from every sale you make, as such, it only makes sense to promote listings that are going to convert over listings that won’t.

If your listing gets a bunch of views, and even favorites without many sales, your listing will be buried below other listings for the same search query that convert better.

If you’ve had a listing that hasn’t made many sales over the course of a few months you can delete the listing, and re-list the product but with severe changes to titles, tags, description and your product image. Despite your “new” listing being for a product you’ve listed before, Etsy will treat it as a brand-new listing, and it will get a fresh start in the rankings.

Every Etsy seller should be paying attention to conversions. I highly recommend you take the time to read this post in the Etsy handbook explaining how to create better converting products.

Your shop isn’t complete

Getting great reviews, having complete shop policies, and adding an About section positively impact your search ranking

– Etsy Handbook

An incomplete shop on Etsy can make it difficult for buyers to find your products. A complete shop includes important information such as your shop policies and a filled out about section.

To ensure that your shop is complete, you should review all the sections of your shop and make sure that they are filled out and up-to-date.

A well-written “About” section can not only help you establish trust and credibility with potential customers, but Etsy themselves have said it plays a role in listing visibility.

Recent intellectual property infringements

Intellectual property infringement refers to the unauthorized use of someone else’s copyrighted or trademarked work, such as using images or text without permission.

Intellectual property infringement is a serious issue on Etsy, and can not only result in your listings being temporarily hidden from Etsy search, but it often times will result in your shop being suspended or terminated.

…recent intellectual property infringement issues can hurt your search ranking.

– Etsy Handbook

If you are found to have committed intellectual property infringement, Etsy will remove the listing in question and apply a negative ranking factor to all of your other listings.

To avoid intellectual property infringement and the negative ranking impact that comes with it, it is important to obtain permission or a license for any images, text, or other content that you use in your listings.

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