How to Leave an Etsy Review Without a Comment (Step by Step)

step by step guide showing how to Leave an Etsy Review Without a Comment

If you’ve recently purchased something from Etsy and want to leave the seller feedback but don’t have much to say, leaving a review without a comment is a quick and easy way to share your thoughts.

In this post, we’ll walk you through the steps on how to do it, so you can support your favorite Etsy sellers and help other shoppers make informed purchases.

How do I leave an Etsy star rating without words?

Leaving a review on Etsy without words is only possible on the Etsy app. Here’s how:

  1. Sign in to the Etsy app, tap the “You” icon on the bottom toolbar.
  2. Once there, find “purchases” and tap it.
  3. Locate the order you are trying to leave a review for and tap “Leave a review”
  4. Choose your star rating from 1-5.
  5. Upload an image if you like, this is optional.
  6. Tap submit

It’s that easy!

Unfortunately, Etsy does not currently allow you to leave reviews without writing a comment on the desktop version of their site.

Why Leave an Etsy Review Without a Comment?

There are several reasons why someone would write an Etsy review without commenting. Here are some reasonable explanations:

Privacy concerns

Some people might feel uncomfortable leaving a detailed review, especially if they are sharing personal information or experiences. By leaving a review without a comment, they can still share their thoughts and ratings without revealing too much about themselves.

Lack of time

If someone is pressed for time, they may be unwilling to expend the extra effort required to write a thorough review.

In this scenario, submitting a review without a comment allows them to communicate their thoughts about the product or seller swiftly and efficiently.

Not much to say

Sometimes, people might simply not have much to say about a product or seller. In these cases, leaving a review without a comment allows them to express their thoughts and ratings without having to come up with a lengthy review.

Positive experience

If someone had a completely positive experience with a product or seller, they might not feel the need to leave a detailed review. In this case, a simple rating without a comment can suffice.

Overall, there are numerous acceptable reasons why someone would leave an Etsy review without leaving a comment.

Leaving a review without a remark is a quick and easy method to share your thoughts and ratings with others, whether for privacy reasons, a lack of time, or simply not having anything to say.

Wrapping Up: The Importance of Leaving an Etsy Review

Leaving an Etsy review, even without a comment, is an important way to share your thoughts and experiences with others. By rating products and sellers, you can help other shoppers make informed decisions and support small businesses.

So if you want to leave an Etsy star rating without having to rack your brain for words you just can’t find, just follow the instructions outlined in this post.

Leaving a review can seriously help an Etsy seller out big time, so even though you may not have the words to say, please do take the time to leave a star rating.

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