Get rid of Etsy’s “Our Picks For You” & “Shops we think you’ll love”

how to get rid of etsy picks for you

Is there anything more annoying than having unsolicited products that you have absolutely zero interest in being shoved down your throat?

For me, there isn’t. Which is why I scavenged the internet looking for a way to stop Etsy from showing me these weird, irrelevant products, and today I’m going to share that solution with you.

Here is how to get rid of Etsy’s “our picks for you” & “Shops we think you’ll love” sections.

How to get rid of Etsy picks for you

You can get rid of the “our picks for you” as well as the “Shops we think you’ll love” section on Etsy by following these simple steps:

  1. Go to, click on your profile image in the top right and then select “Account settings”
  2. You will see 8 tabs, select the “Privacy tab”
  3. Scroll down until you see “Personalized advertising” and uncheck it
  4. Click update settings

Once you follow these steps, Etsy will no longer be able to track your searches and recommend you products or shops that they think you’ll be interested in.

Check out this easy how-to video I made on the subject:

It is important to note that although after following these steps you have prevented Etsy from tracking your future searches and recommending you more irrelevant listings / shops, they still possess the data they’ve already collected and can use that to serve you listing recommendations.

How does Etsy know what to recommend me?

Etsy uses a variety of factors to determine what products and shops to recommend to users through its “Our Picks For You” and “Shops we think you’ll love” features.

Some of these factors include a user’s purchase history, the items they have saved to their favorites, the items they have clicked on or viewed, terms they’ve searched, and the shops they follow.

Etsy also takes into account the popularity and relevance of the items and shops being recommended. While this might seem like a thoughtful way to make recommendations, the reality is that the recommendations are often not very accurate or relevant to the user’s interests. As a result, many users have found these features to be more annoying than helpful.

Why these features are unnecessary and annoying

It’s understandable that Etsy’s “Our Picks For You” and “Shops we believe you’ll love” services would be appealing to users looking to explore new products and stores; yet, many customers have complained that they’re both needless and unpleasant.

One reason these features can be bothersome is that they take up valuable real estate on the home page and search results, pushing actual search results further down the page. Additionally, the recommendations are often not relevant to the user’s interests or previous purchases, which can make them feel intrusive and spammy.

Finally, these features do not offer any real value to the user, as there are plenty of other ways to discover new shops and products on Etsy without being bombarded with irrelevant recommendations.

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